the book of jon

This blog is a tribute to a son, a fighter, a friend, an inspiration, a symbol of hope, a scion of unflinching determination, a child of the world who has touched so many of us in so many ways. This is for you Jonathan Byron Gan.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

2 years on...

Today marks two years since Jon passed on and we celebrate and mark the day by liberating birds- 16 turtle doves, 1 white dove and 1 white pigeon, to signify freedom for all of us.
Most of all Jon, who is fully liberated having served his purpose here.
It was an auspicious day for all as we celebrated Mum's and Wai Mun's birthdays at the poolside of Lake Club with a barbeque dinner with the entire Liew family, Paul Gan family and Gan family . Special guest sent from the universe was Daryll Morton, who happened to be in town on an assignment. What a bonus that was. Jon and Daryll did share mutual admiration.
Mum gave a short speech while Uncle Mike said a prayer for the special night.
As I drove home after sending Daryll back to his hotel, Jon spoke to me through the radio that night, just like he did while I was driving from Toowomba to Muggle Ferry Road enroute to the Morton's house in Brisbane about two years ago. And what's sweet songs they were. Songs that you and I would appreciate. It was magical... Jon.