the book of jon

This blog is a tribute to a son, a fighter, a friend, an inspiration, a symbol of hope, a scion of unflinching determination, a child of the world who has touched so many of us in so many ways. This is for you Jonathan Byron Gan.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Blue Candles

"Talk to your child who died, if it helps you. Share with your child your progress and show that you can handle the windstorms of life, because the death of a child often is the teacher of unconditional love, and unconditional love has no claims, no expectations, needs not even a physical presence." Dr. Elisabeth Kubler Ross extracted from 'Letter to Bereaved Parents' from her book "On Children and Death".

I talk to Jon all the time. In the beginning of our coversations, I find myself in doubt. I would then ask him to show me signs that what I heard was from him, not from my imagination. He never failed me. Not once.

I truly believe that I do have an on-going conversation with him. And how well the quote above rings true for me. In having this on-going dialogues, they (Jon) helped me to understand a lot of stuff during and after his cross-over. Most of all I find myself healing day by day. Like they say, "Time does heal. But it does not hold true for me. Time, in its most merciful way has smoothen the edges ever so slightly only".

Indeed I am still grieving, and it is so difficult to ride the storm. When grieve comes gripping my heart, I simply be in the rain - cry, weep. I almost choke on my tears. And its healing.

Whatever or however I am doing, I take heart in knowing that Jon is not far, always near, watching, caring for me.

Jon's 17th birthday is on Thursday, July 26. So, a week ago, I asked.

"Jon your birthday is coming. What would you like?".

"Candles, mum. Blue candles."

So you will my son.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger agnes said...

khalidah wrote...
Dear auntie aggie,

I think since Jon already got his Levi's, he's satisfied =)

I know that talking to Jon helps you through, but your coversations with him makes me have a sort of peace of mind with it too. You know, that death isn't the end of the road, that there's no plain black void after life. It's difficult to put down into words the thoughts i have in my head, but i'm sure you get what i'm trying to say :).

Anyway, yeah, SPM's coming closer, but it doesn't feel different than any other test. The sense of urgency still isn't present yet, unfortunately.

Say hello to the rest of the family for me, and Eleanor too!

At 9:19 AM, Blogger agnes said...

mandy wrote...

i wouldnt call them lil conversations. but sometimes when i think of him i apologise time and time again for not being able to have visited him, i ask hows things in heaven, is it all i think it is. other times when im having a tough time at school i tell him that in some ways hes lucky he doesnt have to go thru the stress and stupid exams i do.

blue candles.

blue is my favourite colour.

i heard it was his too.

some thing else for me to remember him by. il be sure to get myself blue candles when i can.

i think its a fantastic idea that youve added mums who are currently caring for teenagers with cancer. i love your gift legacy idea. i love that you are selflessly doing so much to give back to the community.

just let me know how i can help with the gift legacy thing.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Jules. said...

very often i speak to jon, because i know that no matter what, he'd be the one listening. it always has been like that i suppose. sometimes i wish i could hear this opinion, his thoughts, because i knew he has many. unfortunately, their all one way conversations. and this might be a little much to ask, but next time you talk to him aunty agnes, could you please tell him i said hi? i'd just like to hear from him sometime that's all.


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