31 July 2006
Hey Jon!
Dan here…
So what should I say. Of course most importantly, I hope you recover, I know u can la, ur gile, strong, anyway miss playing against u on da field. I’m sure u remember la, u were my target, I was ur target, something like dat la. Miss u in school wei, everybody asks about u and u remember scouts. U were like paling semangat out of all of us. Ur damn popular wei. The x’s still remember you, they all hope u get better. Ist KL misses u wei, remember campfire preps? Those were the best. I can’t wait till u get better wei. We’ll finally be in the same class…after 4 years man!!! Just remember that me, KA, Mubin, Zao, Vicram will never forget u n ur love for 1st KL..
I’ve known u for too long, we went to school everyday together…
I just want u to get well, it would mean the world to me wei. Anyway I think I should stop here. C ya!
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